Welcome to
Hope Lutheran Church
Upcoming Events
December 24—5:30 pm, Christmas Eve Worship with Communion
(4:00 pm, Christmas Eve Worship at With Communion at St. Paul’s)
December 31—End of Year Cutoff for Church Offerings
January 5—Scholarship Distribution Sunday
January 10—Annual Reports Due to Church Secretary
January 26—Annual Meeting
Coffee & Fellowship—Following services in the Fellowship Hall.
Remember Online Giving—Click on the “GIVE” button above.
Schedule of Services
Schedule through December, 2024
Hope Lutheran - Sunday, 8:30am
Beginning in January - Sunday, 9:00 am
- Sunday, 8:30am
St Paul’s - Sunday, 10:30am
Holy Communion:
1st & 3rd Sundays of each month
Join a Small Group!
Greetings in Christ!
I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you to join one of our Small Groups many will be beginning this week! There are several options at either Bethany-Elim or Hope Lutheran and we are looking forward to a great time together as we get into the Choose the Life study together.
Current Small Groups:
Men’s Study – (1st Friday of every Month – Porter Café 8:00 am)
Women’s Study – Women of the Bible 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am @various locations - (January 8, at Karen Golden’s Home, 405 N Jefferson, Lesson 3, Miriam)
Women’s Gather Bible Study 6:30 pm on 1st Monday of the month
This Week’s Bulletin
Not able to join in person? Join us live on Facebook or YouTube
Get Connected
See previous services on our
YouTube Channel!
113 South Jefferson Street
P.O. Box 87
Minneota MN 56264
(507) 872-6446 Church Office
412 East Lyon
Minneota MN 56264
Confirmation Mentors Needed!
A mentor is someone, usually older and wiser, who speaks into their mentee’s life and faith in Christ (think of the Apostle Paul and his mentorship of Timothy). At Hope Lutheran we want our IGNITE (formerly called confirmation) students to connect regularly with a mentor during their faith journey and dig into God’s word together. We desire to see our students develop a faith that will stick with them long after they graduate high school, and their relationships with people like you who talk about Jesus with them now are vital to seeing that vision happen! Contact Angie DeVos or Pastor Jon if you are willing to participate as a mentor on Wednesday evenings to help IGNITE faith in our junior high school students.
Cemetery Sexton Needed—If you would like to volunteer, please contact the council or the church office.
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Men of Hope |
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50 + Ministry |
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Minneota Area Mission |
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