Welcome to

Hope Lutheran Church

image of hands holding note that says: "Give"
Photo of church, link to Monthly Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Congratulations to our
2025 Scholarship Recipients:

Ireland Stassen, Logan Myhre , Jackson Esping,

Nora Fadness, Ryan Dalager, Grant Anderson,

Autumn Dovre, Teslynn Saltzer, Kayla Myhre, Sawyer DeSmet

Not pictured : Elle Pesch, Henry Pesch,
Taylor Burley

April 13—First Communion/Palm Sunday

April 17—Maundy Thursday Worship, 7 pm at Hope

April 18—Good Friday Worship, 7 pm at St. Paul’s

April 20Easter Sunday, 9:00 at Hope, 10:30 at St. Paul’s

May 11—Baccalaureate Sunday

June 9-12—Vacation Bible School with Bethany-Elim

June 22-27—Mission Trip to Perry, FL

Coffee & Fellowship—Following services in the Fellowship Hall.

Remember Online Giving—Click on the  “GIVE” button above.

April Walk Around:  April 27th, for The Banquet in Sioux Falls.  The Endowment will have a 2 to 1 match with a $500 max.  The Ignite/Confirmation students will be going to The Banquet to help serve meals the end of May.  They will then present a check from Hope Lutheran to them.  

Newsletter Archives



Schedule of Services

Hope Lutheran - Sunday, 9:00 am
Bethany-Elim - Sunday, 8:30 am
St Paul’s -
Sunday, 10:30 am

Wednesday Lenten services will be at 6:45 PM at Hope Lutheran

Palm Sunday

April 13th, 9:00 am at Hope with 1st Communion

Holy Week Services

April 17th, Maundy Thursday, 7:00 pm at Hope

April 18th, Good Friday, 7:00 pm at St. Paul’s

Easter Sunday
April 20th

9:00 am at Hope

10:30 am at St. Paul’s

Holy Communion:
st & 3rd Sundays of each month

Join a Small Group!

You are invited to join one of our Small Groups. There are several options and we are looking forward to a great time together as we get into the Choose the Life study together.

Current Small Groups:

Men’s Study – (1st Friday of every Month – Porter Café 8:00 am)

Women’s Study – Women of the Bible 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am @ Roberta Josephson’s Home.

Women’s Gather Bible Study 6:30 pm on 1st Monday of the month at Hope.


Hope Lutheran Church is proud to offer their graduating and post-secondary youth the opportunity to apply for the scholarships listed here. For more information on eligibility requirements, please click on the links to each scholarship below. Application deadline is April 1st.
Application form to be filled out.  Click here to read a letter regarding scholarships.

Hope June 11 2023.pdf

This Week’s Bulletin

Not able to join in person? Join us live on Facebook or YouTube

Get Connected

Groups Serve Next Gen

Hope Lutheran Church

113 South Jefferson Street
P.O. Box 87
Minneota MN 56264


(507) 872-6446 Church Office

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

412 East Lyon
Minneota MN 56264

100th Birthday!  Ilene Merritt will be 100 years young on April 5th!  Please make her day even more special by sending her a card at:  Avera Morningside Heights, 300 South Bruce Street, Marshall, MN  56258

Church Council Update:Kent Borstad has resigned as Church Council President due to an opportunity outside of Minneota.We appreciate his willingness to service our congregation. Ascheman was Vice/President at the time of the resignation and accepted the President position.Angie DeVos has accepted and was approved by the Council to be the Vice President/Treasurer.Jen Anderson was appointed and accepted to fill the Council vacancy.

IGNITE & YOH Service Project:

During the month of March the IGNITE students (formerly Confirmation) along with Youth of Hope students will be accepting donations for either toiletry items or cash donations to purchase these items so that they can put together welcome kits for kids who are transitioning into foster care placement in Lyon County. Examples are: Toothbrushes, toothpastes, shampoos, conditioners, hair brushes, deodorant and body washes. At the back of the church there are white envelopes for cash donations and a teal tote where toiletry items can be dropped off.behalf of the IGNITE and YOH students, thank you for your consideration and we appreciate your support on our upcoming service project. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me directly; 507-531-2526 (text/call).Thank you,DeVos, IGNITE Coordinator

Parsonage Rental—The council has decided to rent out the parsonage at this time.  If you know of someone looking for a place to rent, please contact one of the council members or the church office.  The parsonage is a 5 bedroom, 2 bath home.  This would be a month-to-month agreement, with rent being $600/month, with a deposit of $600.  Renter would be responsible for all utilities.  Also no pets are allowed.

Teen Power is doing their annual shoe collection.  Donations taken until Easter.

Minneota Area Mission Trip

Plans for the 2025 mission trip are in full swing.  Students have voted and we will be heading to the Perry, FL area to assist with hurricane relief through the TEAMeffort Missions organization. We have 49 students signed up for the trip along with 10 chaperones. The trip will be June 22 - 27, 2025.

God continues to bless us with the gracious giving and support of our congregations and communities. Please keep our group in your prayers as we continue to plan and fund raise for the 2025 mission trip.  If you have any questions regarding the 2025 Mission Trip, please contact Emily Hennen at emhaugland@hotmail.com or 507-828-6797.

Cemetery Sexton Needed—If you would like to volunteer, please contact the council or the church office.

See previous services on our
YouTube Channel!

Calling a Pastor VBS 2025.pdf Jubilation Choir Schedule